Transformations Of Galaxies - Iii. Encounter Dynamics And Tidal Response As Functions Of Galaxy Structure


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Tidal interactions between disc galaxies depend on galaxy structure, but the details of this relationship are incompletely understood. I have constructed a three-parameter grid of bulge/disc/halo models broadly consistent with Lambda cold dark matter, and simulated an extensive series of encounters using these models. Halo mass and extent strongly influence the dynamics of orbit evolution. In close encounters, the transfer of angular momentum mediated by the dynamical response of massive, extended haloes can reverse the direction of orbital motion of the central galaxies after their first passage. Tidal response is strongly correlated with the ratio nu(e)/nu(c) of escape to circular velocity within the participating discs. Moreover, the same ratio also correlates with the rate at which tidal tails are reaccreted by their galaxies of origin; consequently, merger remnants with 'twin tails', such as NGC 7252, may prove hard to reproduce unless (nu(e)/nu(c))(2) less than or similar to 5.5. The tidal morphology of an interacting system can provide useful constraints on progenitor structure. In particular, encounters in which halo dynamics reverses orbital motion exhibit a distinctive morphology which may be recognized observationally. Detailed models attempting to reproduce observations of interacting galaxies should explore the likely range of progenitor structures along with other encounter parameters.
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methods: numerical,galaxies: interactions,galaxies: kinematics and dynamics,galaxies: structure,dark matter
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