A knowledge centric approach to conceptualizing robotic solutions

Proceedings of the 12th Innovations on Software Engineering Conference (formerly known as India Software Engineering Conference)(2019)

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The focus of the ongoing Digital and Industry 4.0 revolution is on re-engineering business operations to take advantage of various technologies, including robotics. Conceptualizing, say, a robotics solution to automate aspects of warehouse operations involves multiple activities: understanding the problem space in sufficient detail to identify the right automation opportunities; working through the space of possible solution options and developing the solution design; and building a prototype solution with sufficient functional detail to enable customer experts to assess its suitability with respect to multiple concerns, and its impact on the business processes and environment. Only after that can a project be initiated to engineer and deploy the production solution, while making the necessary changes to the business system. With current practice, conceptualization and prototyping typically takes several months and considerable manual effort. In this paper, we present an environment for rapid prototyping of robotics solutions that facilitates a knowledge-centric approach based on capability composition. The environment enables systematic capture of functional domain knowledge, modular composition of solution space capabilities, and expression of the solution concept using a constrained natural language. Detailed functional simulators are generated automatically from the resulting design. This results in high customer confidence in the solution, substantial reductions in cycle time, and productivity gains due to modular reusability of solution knowledge and components.
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Component Capability, Domain Specific Engineering Environment, Goal Achievement Process, Model Driven Engineering
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