Age structure and multi-model growth estimation of longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus (Dasyatidae: Myliobatoidei) from north-east Brazil.


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We collected 729 Hypanus guttatus from the northern coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), of which 196 were used to estimate age and growth. Ninety-five were male (12.7 to 57.0 cm disc width; W-D) and 101 were female (13.0 to 88.5 cm W-D); females were significantly larger than males. Cross sections of vertebrae showed band-pairs ranging from 0 to > 14 in females and from 0 to 9 in males. New-borns presented an opaque edge at birth in vertebrae without a birthmark. The average percentage of error (APE; %E) for the entire sample provided evidence that ages were repeatable. The mean monthly marginal increment (I-M) indicates annual band-pair formation from August to November. The annual cycle model for one band-pair deposition provided the best fit to data based on the AIC, with peaks between August and October, similar to that found in the I-M analysis, suggesting an annual formation pattern. A multi-model approach that included four models based on the observed mean W-D at age indicated a modified von Bertalanffy growth model as the best for describing the species growth: W-0 (W-D at birth) = 14.6 cm for both sexes; females W = 98.61 cm (95% CI = 87.34-114.61 cm); k = 0.112 year(-1) (CI = 0.086-0.148 year(-1)); males W = 60.22 cm (CI = 55.66-65.35 cm); k = 0.219 year(-1) (CI = 0.185-0.276 year(-1)). The age-at-maturity in males and females is 5 years and 7 years, respectively. The age composition shows that most (84%) specimens were aged 0 to 2 years. The information provided here is essential for analytical assessments of H. guttatus, which is subject to significant fishing pressure mainly on new-borns and juveniles.
age and growth,age structure,Dasyatis guttata,longnose stingray,north-east Brazil
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