[Symptoms and parental expectation in adenoidectomy and adenotonsillotomy in preschool children].


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Objective In this study, symptoms associated with adenoids and hyperplasic palatine tonsils and parental expectation of surgical outcome were recorded, to provide realistic parental information prior to adenoidectomy (AT) +/- tonsillotomy (ATT). Material and Methods In total n = 111 children (3-6 years, male 65 % female 35 %) were recruited, who received AT (66 %) or ATT (34 %) at ENT University Hospital Ulm. By questionnaire-based survey, the most common symptoms and the main reason for the operation were reported from parent's perspective (operation day, follow-up: 3.5 months). Results were visualized in bar charts for total collective and AT and ATT surgical groups (significance level alpha = 5 %). Results Most commonly, parents observed signs of respiratory problems (mouth breathing 87 %, nasal obstruction 86 %, snoring 78 %), hearing loss (68 %) and infection of upper airways (66 %). Nasal obstruction (77.5 %) and hearing loss (53.2 %) were the main reasons for operation. In children with pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia only, hearing problems dominated, while in additional tonsillotomy, nocturnal apneas were the most frequently reported reason for surgery. For all symptoms, a significant postoperatively improvement was achieved. Conclusions With a differentiated indication for surgery, it is possible to inform the parents about a very good and realistic and effective reduction of symptom after AT and ATT.
adenoidectomy,tonsillotomy,parental expectation,symptom reduction
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