Efficiency calibration of an on-line detection device for fuel rod failure in a PWR

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry(2018)

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This paper describes a method of calibrating the efficiency of an on-line detection device for fuel rod failure in a pressurized water reactor. 214 Am, 137 Cs, 60 Co and 24 Na were selected to produce 4 sets of liquid calibration sources, and a calibration system that could simulate the on-site measurement of the on-line detection device was established. Efficiency calibration was performed against γ-ray lines, which could be identified by a LaBr 3 (Ce) detector. After a true coincidence summing correction, an efficiency curve of the on-line detection device for fuel rod failure was obtained, with a calibration uncertainty of 3.5%.
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Key words
Efficiency calibration,On-line detection device,Calibration system,True coincidence summing correction
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