Stilbenoids from aerial parts of Dendrobium plicatile

Natural Product Research(2018)

Cited 10|Views3
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Chemical investigation of Dendrobium plicatile Lindl resulted in the isolation and identification of one new bibenzyl, 2-chloro-3, 4’-dihydroxy-3’,5-dimethoxybibenzyl (1), as well as 15 known stilbenoids. The structures of this new compound was elucidated by extensive spectroscopic analysis, including HRESIMS, 1H and 13C NMR, DEPT, HMBC, COSY, HMQC, NOESY. Compounds 2, 3 and 5 were obtained from this genus for the first time, compounds 8, 10, 13 and 14 were obtained from this plant for the first time. In addition, the new compound exhibited potent cytotoxic activities against the human breast cancer (MDA-MB231) cell line, the hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line and the human lung carcinoma (A549) cell line, with IC50 3.41, 3.02, 2.80 μM, respectively.
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Key words
Dendrobium plicatile,Orchidaceae,stilbenoid,bibenzyl,cytotoxicity
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