Poisson Equation Solution and Its Gradient Vector Field to Geometric Features Detection.


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In this paper we solve the Poisson partial differential equation (PDE) with a free right side, which is a function of the image and its gradient. We call such a PDE Poisson Image (PI) equation. Further, we define the function phi = u + parallel to del u parallel to(2), where u is the PI's solution. Then, we generate the Poisson gradient vector fields (PGVFs) del u and del phi and study the patterns of their trajectories in the vicinity of the singular points (SPs). Next, we use the critical points (CPs) of u and phi, the SPs of del u and del phi, and their relations, to determine the image objects' concavities and convexities, and use them for automatic objects partitioning. We validated the theoretical concepts with experiments on above 80 synthetic and real-life images, and show some of them in the paper. At the end we compare the new method with contemporary methods in the field and list its contributions, advantages and bottlenecks.
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Key words
Critical and singular points, Trajectory patterns, Objects partitioning
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