Surgical revascularization of bilateral renal artery stenosis due to fibromuscular dysplasia.


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Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a noninflammatory disease affecting small-and medium-sized arteries of the renal and the carotids. It affects the renal arteries in nearly 60%-75% cases. The primary clinical manifestation of renal FMD is hypertension. Medial fibroplasia represents the most common dysplastic lesion. We report two cases who presented with hypertension and renal insufficiency and on evaluation was found to have bilateral renal artery stenosis. Stenting of the renal vessels was not possible due to the narrowed caliber of the vessel and inability to cannulate the renal arteries. They underwent renal artery revascularization with a splenorenal end to end anastomosis. The renal parameters and blood pressure of both the patients stabilized subsequently. Renal revascularization can be a good option for patient having failed angioplasty with stenting.
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Fibromuscular dysplasia,renal artery stenosis,surgical reconstruction
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