Quality of Life of Persons Suffering from Schizophrenia, Psoriasis and Physical Disabilities.


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BACKGROUND:Studies have addressed the impact of chronic diseases and their treatment on quality of life (Qol), but the relative impact of different chronic conditions on patients' level of subjective functioning is mostly unknown. Stigma is associated with poor Qol in various chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life of people suffering from schizophrenia with the quality of life of patients with psoriasis and physical disabilities. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:Study was conducted on a sample of 88 persons suffering from schizophrenia, 60 persons with physical disabilities and 57 persons with psoriasis. All three groups completed The Scale of Life-Quality assessment. RESULTS:Persons suffering from schizophrenia were less satisfied with their education level and social life. They were less satisfied with life if continued the same as present than persons with physical disabilities and people suffering from psoriasis. However, persons suffering from schizophrenia have higher expectations for the future than persons with physical disabilities and people suffering from psoriasis. CONCLUSIONS:Our results show lower quality of life in the group of patients with schizophrenia in comparisons with group with physical disabilities and psoriasis, which indicates that it is necessary, not only to make the treatment of schizophrenia more successful, but also to improve the process of rehabilitation and social reintegration in order to increase the quality of life of people with schizophrenia.
quality of life,schizophrenia,physical disability,psoriasis
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