Digital Anatomical Measurement for Anterolateral Fixation of Middle and Lower Thoracic Vertebrae.


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Background: The key to its successful application is to determine the best entry point for the vertebral screw(s). This study aimed to provide a reference for clinical anterolateral fixation through digital measurement of computed tomography (CT) data to identify relevant anatomical positions in the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae (T4-T12) of 30 adults. Material/Methods: We performed digital measurement of anatomical positions in the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae (T4-T12) of 30 adults. Abbreviations: Left height of vertebral body, LHV; Right height of vertebral body, RHV; Anterior height of vertebral body, AHV; Middle height of vertebral body, MHV; Posterior height of vertebral body, PHV; Superior sagittal diameter of vertebral body, SSDV; Superior transverse diameter of vertebral body, STDV; inferior sagittal diameter of vertebral body, ISDV; Inferior transverse diameter of vertebral body, ITDV; (1) Left (right) height of vertebral body, [L(R)HV]; Anterior (middle, posterior) height of vertebral body [A(M,P)HV]; Superior (inferior) sagittal diameter of vertebral body, [S(I)SDV]; Superior (inferior) transverse diameter of vertebral body, [S(I)TDV]. Results: The transverse diameters of vertebral bodies were always larger than the sagittal diameter for 3 similar to 4 mm. The distance between 2 vertebrae (interval of 1 vertebra) range were (52-56) mm for T4-T7 and (44-48) mm for T8-T12, and the surgeons could collate these data to choose a suitable stick length. Conclusions: Bone graft should prune into laterigrade cuboid, it can recover A-P and bilateral physiological functions load, and the height of the vertebral body increased from T4 to T12.
Anatomy,Computers,Screw Fixation Techniques,Thoracic Vertebrae
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