StaticFixer: From Static Analysis to Static Repair


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Static analysis tools are traditionally used to detect and flag programs that violate properties. We show that static analysis tools can also be used to perturb programs that satisfy a property to construct variants that violate the property. Using this insight we can construct paired data sets of unsafe-safe program pairs, and learn strategies to automatically repair property violations. We present a system called \sysname, which automatically repairs information flow vulnerabilities using this approach. Since information flow properties are non-local (both to check and repair), \sysname also introduces a novel domain specific language (DSL) and strategy learning algorithms for synthesizing non-local repairs. We use \sysname to synthesize strategies for repairing two types of information flow vulnerabilities, unvalidated dynamic calls and cross-site scripting, and show that \sysname successfully repairs several hundred vulnerabilities from open source {\sc JavaScript} repositories, outperforming neural baselines built using {\sc CodeT5} and {\sc Codex}. Our datasets can be downloaded from \url{}.
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staticfixer repair,staticfixer analysis
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