Duration of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Influences Serum Vancomycin Concentration in Patients With Sepsis.

Clinical Therapeutics(2016)

Cited 12|Views6
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SIRS duration was identified as influencing VCM concentration in patients with sepsis. This study has 2 limitations. First, we performed blood sampling only for trough concentrations. Repeated blood sampling for both peak and trough concentrations should be performed for more accurate pharmacokinetic evaluation in critically ill patients. Second, we determined CrCl by using the Cockcroft-Gault formula, which may not be accurate in critically ill patients. Modifying VCM dosing according to SIRS duration will improve prediction accuracy of VCM concentration based on therapeutic drug monitoring.
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Key words
sepsis,SIRS duration,therapeutic drug monitoring,vancomycin
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