Synthesis of hierarchically porous structured CaCO3 and TiO2 replicas by sol-gel method using lotus root as template.

Materials Science and Engineering: C(2016)

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Intensive attention has been put in mimicking the morphologies in nature owing to their uniqueness, complexity, and diversity. One of the effective approaches to mimic bio-morphologies is through biotemplating — the technique of using biological structures as template to reproduce intricate structure in other forms of materials. This work presents a facile sol-gel technique that can be widely used to convert various carbon-rich bio-structures into different materials. Lotus root, a biomorphic template with high porosity at varying length scales, was selected as the example to demonstrate this approach. The experiment was conducted by infiltrating precursors — titanium (IV) n-butoxide (TnBT) and acetic acid calcium solution — into the lotus root template under vacuum system, followed by calcination. After the treatment, the replicas were calcite CaCO3 and anatase TiO2. In both CaCO3 and TiO2 replicas, the intact structure of the template was preserved. In spite of the overall similarity of the CaCO3 and TiO2 lotus root replicas, some respective differences were found. TiO2 replica was covered with nanowire bundles of 100–200nm in diameter, formed by preferable crystallization of particles, while CaCO3 replica presented the gradient-distributed pores of 10–100μm, which greatly resembled the microstructure of lotus root template. In the BET result, TiO2 replica was mesoporous structure with pores centralizing in 3–4nm. On the other hand, CaCO3 replica had pores in a wider distribution ranging from micro to macro scale. In addition, the surface area was greatly enhanced in both cases. The synthesized materials with hierarchical biomorphic structures may have great potential for purification applications due to their large specific surface area, photocatalytic property, and high adsorption rate.
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Key words
Bio-inspired materials,Hierarchical structure,Biotemplate,TiO2,CaCO3,Lotus root
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