Systemic Lupus Erythematous: Symptoms and Signs at Initial Presentations.

Abdel Masieh Metry,Issa Al Salmi,Farida Al Balushi, Mohammed Abdalla Yousef,Faisal Al Ismaili,Alan Hola,Suad Hannawi

Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry(2018)

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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune multisystem inflammatory condition that causes microvascular inflammation with the production of various auto-antibodies that play a major role in its pathogenesis. SLE can affect both sexes, all ages, and all ethnic groups with widespread geographical and socioeconomic backgrounds. Asia encompasses people of many sociocultural backgrounds with diverse ethnic. Due to a lack of national epidemiological research, the incidence and prevalence of SLE in Middle Eastern and Arab countries, have only recently been studied. This article aims to explore the status of SLE in Oman and to record symptoms and signs of SLE at first presentation. Medical records of all patients diagnosed with SLE at the Royal Hospital from 2006 to 2014 were reviewed for information recorded at first visit. SLE diagnosis was based on the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria; ACR97 (which includes the clinical manifestation and laboratory evidence). Patients with SLE disease manifestations extrapolated and analyzed. There were 966 patients diagnosed with SLE during the period from 2006 to 2014. Mean (SD) age at presentations was 35.5 (11.5) years. Majority of patients were female which constitutes 88.7 % of the total SLE patients with mean age 27.6 (1.4) years. Constitutional symptoms were found in 48.68 of SLE population including fatigue in 35.22 %, and weight changes in 13.43 %. The cutaneous manifestations that were present included malar rash 37.69 %, photosensitivity 35.10 %, discoid lupus 17.63 %, and hair loss 39.29 %. Musculoskeletal manifestations were commonly seen among the studied population including arthralgia in 68.75 %, myalgia in 55.65 %, arthritis in 48.31%, whilst myositis, tendon abnormalities and avascular necrosis were found in only 2.47 %, 0.31% and 1.98%. respectively. This is the first study of the symptoms and signs at initial clinical presentation of SLE patients compared to other studies done regionally where most have focused on clinical manifestations during the progression course of SLE. SLE manifestations may be related to the differences in the genetic make-up of the patients who come from various ethnic groups despite similar geography or sociocultural background, or to referral bias, as some studies were performed in the nephrology units and others in the rheumatology units. There is a pressing need to establish a nationwide and regional collaboration to establish LUPUS and to put forward a strategic planning with each MOH to provide a easy and efficient report of SLE cases and provide various effective management for such a debilitating syndrome.
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Key words
SLE,Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,cardiovascular disease (CVD),cerebrovascular accident (CVA),chronic kidney disease (CKD),diabetes mellitus (DM),end-stage kidney disease (ESKD),hyperlipidemia,hypertension (HTN),lung disease
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