Effectiveness of a brief adjunctive yoga intervention for short-term mood and psychiatric symptom change during partial hospitalization.


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Objective: Evidence concerning the effectiveness of yoga in partial hospital programs is limited. Yet, partial hospitals provide treatment at a critical juncture by bridging inpatient and outpatient care. The present study tested the effectiveness of a single-session group yoga intervention for short-term mood and psychiatric symptom change in participants attending a 1- to 2-week partial hospital program. Method: Participants included 104 partial hospital patients who participated in the single-session yoga intervention and completed a measure of positive/negative affect before and after the group. Participants, as well as partial hospital patients who did not attend the yoga intervention (n = 438), completed measures of depression and anxiety symptoms at admission and discharge from the program. At discharge. they also rated their perceived improvement and the overall quality of the care they received. Results: Participants who attended the yoga intervention experienced significant improvements in positive and negative affect during the group. They did not show greater improvements in symptoms of anxiety or depression over the course of treatment compared to individuals who did not attend the group. Yoga intervention participants nonetheless gave higher ratings to the quality of the care they received. Conclusions and Implications for Practice: Findings demonstrated that attending a single yoga session during partial hospitalization was associated with short-term mood benefits, and with enhanced overall perceptions of treatment. Further research is needed to determine the conditions under which participation in yoga during partial hospitalization could contribute to symptom change in this context.
yoga,affect,partial hospital,anxiety,depression
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