Effect of phytic acid on the setting times and tensile strengths of calcium silicate-based cements.


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This study aimed to evaluate and compare the effect of 1% phytic acid as a mixing medium on the setting times and diametral tensile strengths of different calcium silicate-based cements. Specimens for four experimental groups (n = 20/each) were fabricated by mixing ProRoot MTA (R) (Dentsply) and Biodentine (R) (Septodont) powders with their original liquids or with 1% phytic acid. Half of the samples in each group were immediately subjected to setting time tests, whereas the remaining half was subjected to the diametral tensile strength test after 3 weeks. When mixed with their original liquids, the setting time of MTA was significantly longer than that of Biodentine (R) (P < 0.05). When mixed with phytic acid, the initial and final setting times of both test materials significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The diametral tensile strength of Biodentine (R) was significantly greater than that of MTA (P < 0.05). However, phytic acid had no effect on this outcome (P > 0.05).
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Key words
mineral trioxide aggregate,phytic acid,setting time
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