Fast Inhibitory Decay Facilitates Adult-like Temporal Processing in Layer 5 of Developing Primary Auditory Cortex.


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The protracted maturational process of temporal processing in layer 4 (L4) of primary auditory cortex (A1) has been extensively studied. Accumulating evidences show that layer 5 (L5) receives direct thalamic inputs as well. How the temporal responses in L5 may developmentally emerge remains unclear. Using in vivo loose-patch recordings in rat A1, we found that putative pyramidal (Pyr) neurons in developing L5 exhibited adult-like stimulus-following ability but less bursting shortly after hearing onset. L5 Pyr neurons in adult A1 exhibited phase-locking similar to L4 neurons, while L5 fast-spiking (FS) neurons showed greater phase-locking at 7 and 12.5 pps. In developing L5, whole-cell recordings revealed inhibition with decay constant comparable to that in adult L5, thereby avoiding the summation of inhibition that contributed to the strong adaptation in L4. Given the targets of L5 outputs, the relatively precocious temporal processing in L5 might contribute to temporal response maturation in connected cortical and subcortical areas. Our findings were in agreement with the idea that L5 may be a "hub" for processing cortical inputs and outputs that can operate independently of L4.
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Key words
development,layer 5,primary auditory cortex,rat,temporal processing
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