B7-DC (PD-L2) costimulation of CD4 + T-helper 1 response via RGMb


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The role of B7-DC in T-cell responses remains controversial because both coinhibitory and costimulatory functions have been reported in various experimental systems in vitro and in vivo . In addition to interacting with the coinhibitory receptor PD-1, B7-DC has also been shown to bind repulsive guidance molecule b (RGMb). The functional consequences of the B7-DC/RGMb interaction, however, remain unclear. More than a decade ago, we reported that replacement of a murine B7-DC mutant lysine with serine (K113S) at positive 113 resulted in a loss of binding capacity to PD-1. Nevertheless, K113S remained costimulatory for T cells in vitro , implicating a dual functionality for B7-DC in T-cell responses. Here we show that recombinant K113S protein interacts with RGMb with a similar affinity to wild-type B7-DC. More importantly, K113S costimulates CD4 + T-cell responses via RGMb and promotes Th1 polarization. RGMb is expressed on the surface of naive mouse T cells, macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells. Finally, K113S/RGMb costimulation suppresses Th2-mediated asthma and ameliorates small airway inflammation and lung pathology in an experimental mouse model. Our findings indicate that RGMb is a costimulatory receptor for B7-DC. These findings from the K113S variant provide not only a possible explanation for the B7-DC-triggered contradictory effects on T-cell responses, but also a novel approach to investigate the B7-DC/PD-1/RGMb axis. Recombinant K113S or its derivatives could potentially be developed as an agonist for RGMb to costimulate the Th1 response without triggering PD-1-mediated T-cell inhibition.
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