Pulmonary contusion after bumper car collision: Case report and review of the literature.

Mahé Berland, Marjolaine Oger, Emi Cauchois, Karine Retornaz, Valérie Arnoux,Jean-Christophe Dubus

Respiratory medicine case reports(2018)

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Thoracic trauma is a major source of morbi-mortality in injured children. Their pliable chest wall makes pulmonary contusion the most common chest injury. It is most often secondary to blunt trauma caused by traffic accidents. We report a case of severe chest trauma caused by a bumper car collision in an 8-years old girl. She sustained right lung contusion that led to complete atelectasis. After a week of supportive therapy, bronchoscopy removed a mucous plug from the main bronchus, resulting in significant clinical improvement. We aim to raise awareness of the risk of severe chest injuries during bumper car collisions.
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