A dominant dendrite phenotype caused by the disease-associated G253D mutation in doublecortin (DCX) is not due to its endocytosis defect

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2018)

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Doublecortin (DCX) is a protein needed for cortical development, and DCX mutations cause cortical malformations in humans. The microtubule-binding activity of DCX is well-described and is important for its function, such as supporting neuronal migration and dendrite growth during development. Previous work showed that microtubule binding is not sufficient for DCX-mediated promotion of dendrite growth and that domains in DCX's C terminus are also required. The more C-terminal regions of DCX bind several other proteins, including the adhesion receptor neurofascin and clathrin adaptors. We recently identified a role for DCX in endocytosis of neurofascin. The disease-associated DCX-G253D mutant protein is known to be deficient in binding neurofascin, and we now asked if disruption of neurofascin endocytosis underlies the DCX-G253D-associated pathology. We first demonstrated that DCX functions in endocytosis as a complex with both the clathrin adaptor AP-2 and neurofascin: disrupting either clathrin adaptor binding (DCX-ALPA) or neurofascin binding (DCX-G253D) decreased neurofascin endocytosis in primary neurons. We then investigated a known function for DCX, namely, increasing dendrite growth in cultured neurons. Surprisingly, we found that the DCX-ALPA and DCX-G253D mutants yield distinct dendrite phenotypes. Unlike DCX-ALPA, DCX-G253D caused a dominant-negative dendrite growth phenotype. The endocytosis defect of DCX-G253D thus was separable from its detrimental effects on dendrite growth. We recently identified Dcx-R59H as a dominant allele and can now classify Dcx-G253D as a second Dcx allele that acts dominantly to cause pathology, but does so via a different mechanism.
axon initial segment,clathrin,dendrite,dominant allele of DCX,endocytosis,lissencephaly,microtubule,multifunctional protein,neurite outgrowth,neurofascin
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