The role of lead in the etiopathogenesis of male fertility reduction.

Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)(2018)

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OBJECTIVE:Introduction: The problem of preserving and strengthening of the reproductive health of the population in conditions of the industrial regions is becoming one of the key. The aim: Тo determine whether blood and semen concentration of lead in fertile and infertile men without occupational exposure to lead is associated with semen quality and reproductive outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Materials and methods: Clinical and hygienic assessment of the reproductive health was carried out in 192 men of the Dnipropetrovsk region, living in the industrial and control, conditionally «clean» city. RESULTS:Results: In the pathogenesis of male fertility, an important role belongs to the level of lead in biosubstrates, which is 1,2-2,1 times higher in industrial cities as compared to the normative level. Therewith, fertilizing properties of the ejaculate of the fertile men living in the industrial region comply with WHO standards, while in the infertile group various forms of pathology was revealed. CONCLUSION:Conclusions: Violations of spermatogenesis can serve as a rapidly-responding and reliable criterion for assessing the adaptation and maladaptation processes of men underthe influence of xenobiotics of the environment, in particular lead. In this case, the markers of influence are the total number of sperm in the ejaculate, their concentration, mobility and the number of pathological forms, semen viscosity.
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