Knowledge Mapping Of Medication Literacy Study: A Visualized Analysis Using Citespace


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Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze knowledge mapping and demonstrate the status quo, intellectual base, and hotspots in the field of medication literacy.Methods: Using the data from Web of Science Core database, we constructed a knowledge map to visualize medication literacy using CiteSpace, which revealed the power of the studies, core authors and journals, intellectual base, and hotspots in this field.Results: According to an analysis of 2025 literature reports, the stronger studies were mainly conducted at research institutions of higher education in the United States. Core author groups with a higher influence were not identified. The core journals included Patient Educ Couns and Fam Med. The health literacy studies served as the foundation for the medication literacy studies. The keywords formed 13 clusters including 5 major clusters.Conclusion: The topics in medication literacy study focused on instruments assessing medication literacy, measurement and assessment of medication literacy, medication literacy for the prevention of chronic disease and medication treatment adherence, medication literacy education, and family practice. This study provides an insight into medication literacy and valuable information for medication literacy researchers to identify new perspectives on potential collaborators and cooperative institutions and hotspots.
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Medication literacy, literacy, knowledge map, visualized analysis, CiteSpace
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