Immediate-Early Promoter-Driven Transgenic Reporter System for Neuroethological Research in a Hemimetabolous Insect.


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Genes expressed in response to increased neuronal activity are widely used as activity markers in recent behavioral neuroscience. In the present study, we established transgenic reporter system for whole-brain activity mapping in the two-spotted cricket , a hemimetabolous insect used in neuroethology and behavioral ecology. In the cricket brain, a homolog of () was rapidly induced as an immediate-early gene (IEG) in response to neuronal hyperexcitability. The upstream genomic fragment of contains potential binding sites for transcription factors regulated by various intracellular signaling pathways, as well as core promoter elements conserved across insect/crustacean homologs. Using the upstream genomic fragment of we established an IEG promoter-driven transgenic reporter system in the cricket. In the brain of transgenic crickets, the reporter gene (a nuclear-targeted destabilized EYFP) was induced in response to neuronal hyperexcitability. Inducible expression of reporter protein was detected in almost all neurons after neuronal hyperexcitability. Using our novel reporter system, we successfully detected neuronal activation evoked by feeding in the cricket brain. Our IEG promoter-driven activity reporting system allows us to visualize behaviorally relevant neural circuits at cellular resolution in the cricket brain.
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Key words
Activity mapping,Gryllus bimaculatus,immediate-early gene,transgenesis
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