Assessment of candidate elements for development of spectral photon-counting CT specific contrast agents


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Spectral photon-counting computed tomography (SPCCT) is a rapidly emerging imaging modality that provides energy-dependent information on individual x-ray photons, leading to accurate material decomposition and simultaneous quantification of multiple contrast generating materials. Development of SPCCT-specific contrast agents is needed to overcome the issues with currently used iodinated contrast agents, such as difficulty in differentiation from calcified structures, and yield SPCCT’s full promise. In this study, the contrast generation of different elements is investigated using a prototype SPCCT scanner based on a modified clinical CT system and suitable elements for novel contrast agent development for SPCCT imaging are identified. Furthermore, nanoparticles were synthesized from tantalum as a proof of concept spectral photon-counting CT agent and tested for their in vitro cytotoxicity and contrast generation to provide insight into the feasibility of nanoparticle contrast agent development from these elements. We found that gadolinium, ytterbium and tantalum generate high contrast in spectral photon-counting CT imaging and may be suitable elements for contrast agent development for this modality. Our proof of concept results with tantalum-based nanoparticles underscore this conclusion due to their detectability with spectral photon-counting CT, as well as their biocompatibility.
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Imaging techniques and agents,Translational research,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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