Impact of ankle-foot orthoses on gait 1 year after lower limb surgery in children with bilateral cerebral palsy.


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Background: Different types of ankle-foot orthoses are commonly used following lower limb surgery in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. After three-dimensional gait analysis 1 year postoperatively, many children are recommended continued use of ankle-foot orthoses. Objectives: Our aims were to quantify the impact of ankle-foot orthoses on gait 1 year postoperatively and evaluate predictors for clinically important improvement. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: A total of 34 ambulating children with bilateral cerebral palsy, with mean age 11 years (range 6-17), comprising 12 girls and 22 boys, were measured with three-dimensional gait analysis preoperatively (barefoot) and 1 year postoperatively (barefoot and with ankle-foot orthoses). Outcome was evaluated using gait profile score, key kinematic, kinetic and temporal-spatial variables in paired sample comparisons. Logistic regression was used to evaluate predictors for clinically important improvement with orthoses (> 1.6 degrees change in gait profile score). Results: Walking barefoot 1 year postoperatively, major improvements were seen in gait profile score and key variables. With ankle-foot orthoses, there were significantly improved step length and velocity, additional moderate reduction/improvement in gait profile score and knee moments and decreased stance ankle dorsiflexion compared to barefoot. Children using ground reaction ankle-foot orthoses (n = 14) decreased stance knee flexion from 13.9 degrees walking barefoot to 8.2 degrees with orthoses. High gait profile score and more gait dysfunction preoperatively were significant predictors of clinically important improvement walking with orthoses. Conclusion: The results indicate improved gait function walking with ankle-foot orthoses versus barefoot 1 year after lower limb surgery. Stronger impact of ankle-foot orthoses was found in children with more pronounced gait dysfunction preoperatively.
Gait analysis,gait,orthopaedic surgery,lower limb orthotics,orthotics,ankle-foot orthoses,cerebral palsy,lower limb surgery,postoperative
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