Nanoscale magnetic ratchets based on shape anisotropy.


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Controlling magnetization using piezoelectric strain through the magnetoelectric effect offers several orders of magnitude reduction in energy consumption for spintronic applications. However strain is a uniaxial effect and, unlike directional magnetic field or spin-polarized current, cannot induce a full 180 degrees reorientation of the magnetization vector when acting alone. We have engineered novel 'peanut' and 'cat-eye' shaped nanomagnets on piezoelectric substrates that undergo repeated deterministic 180 degrees magnetization rotations in response to individual electric-field-induced strain pulses by breaking the uniaxial symmetry using shape anisotropy. This behavior can be likened to a magnetic ratchet, advancing magnetization clockwise with each piezostrain trigger. The results were validated using micromagnetics implemented in a multiphysics finite elements code to simulate the engineered spatial and temporal magnetic behavior. The engineering principles start from a target device function and proceed to the identification of shapes that produce the desired function. This approach opens a broad design space for next generation magnetoelectric spintronic devices.
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Key words
magnetic shape anisotropy,nanomagnetics,magnetoelectrics,multiferroics
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