Application of Single-Tube Tri-Primer ARMS-PCR to Detect the NFKB1 ATTG Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism.


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Aims: The -94 ATTG insertion/deletion polymorphism (rs28362491) is an important functional polymorphism in the NFKB1 gene. It has been shown that rs28362491 is associated with many diseases. The purpose of this study was to establish a simple and reliable method to detect the ATTG insertion/deletion polymorphism. Methods: On the basis of the amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) method, a single-tube tri-primer ARMS-PCR method was developed to detect the ATTG insertion/deletion polymorphism in 93 samples. The results of the single-tube tri-primer ARMS-PCR method were validated by DNA sequencing. Results: After optimization of the PCR conditions, the single-tube tri-primer ARMS-PCR was established to detect the insertion/deletion polymorphism using agarose gel electrophoresis. In 93 volunteers, the genotype frequencies were 30.1% for Ins/Ins, 19.4% for Del/Del, and 50.5% for Ins/Del, respectively. The results of the single-tube tri-primer ARMS-PCR method were consistent with the results of DNA sequencing. Conclusions: This single-tube tri-primer ARMS-PCR is a reliable, simple, and cost-efficient genotyping method for the detection of the ATTG insertion/deletion polymorphism in the NFKB1 gene.
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Key words
single nucleotide polymorphisms,ARMS-PCR,NFKB1,insertion,deletion
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