Can Smartphones Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviours in Healthy Young Adults? A Prospective Study

Journal of Cancer Education(2019)

引用 5|浏览7
Cancer prevention should start as early as possible. Young adults would benefit largely from the use of a smartphone app aiming at promoting cancer prevention behaviours. The aims of the study described in this paper are to (1) examine the user participation and engagement with a cancer prevention app in real-life settings and (2) assess changes in the users’ cancer prevention behaviours. A cancer prevention smartphone app called Happy was developed and released to the general population. Data from registered app users’ (N = 3326) demographics and baseline cancer prevention behaviours was analysed. App engagement was measured and all behaviour data logged through the app was analysed to assess the effectiveness of the app in the promotion of cancer prevention behaviours. User demographics and baseline behaviour assessment show that the app reached its intended target population: young adults that generally do not comply with cancer prevention guidelines. Logged behavioural data showed an increased frequency in several cancer prevention behaviours and a significant increase in the overall putative cancer prevention level (p < 0.001). However, user engagement with the app was limited and might condition the long-term impact of such changes. Happy reached its intended population and seems to be an effective tool to promote cancer prevention. Further research is needed to fully assess its long-term persuasive potential.
Cancer prevention,Behaviour change,Smartphones,Mobile applications
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