Indoor air problems and the perceived social climate in schools: A multilevel structural equation analysis.

The Science of the total environment(2017)

引用 20|浏览38
Indoor air problems in schools appear to influence learning outcomes and absence rates. However, previous research has not investigated whether indoor air problems influence the social climate of schools. Therefore, we studied whether indoor air problems observed in schools associate with students' perceptions of the teacher-student relationship and class spirit. The nationwide sample of Finnish schools (N=194 schools/27153 students) was analyzed using multilevel structural equation modeling. Data on the schools' social climate collected from students were merged with independently collected data on observed indoor air problems from school principals. We found that the teacher-student relationship was reported to be worse in schools with observed indoor air problems compared to those without observed indoor air problems. Furthermore, the reported class spirit was worse in schools with observed indoor air problems, but only among students with a high grade point average. Our findings indicate that indoor air problems may affect the student-perceived social climate.
Indoor air quality,Social climate,Teacher-student relationship,Psychosocial effect,Lower secondary school,Class spirit
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