Closed-loop small bowel obstruction from lateral trocar site hernia following robotic sigmoid resection.

BMJ case reports(2018)

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A 67-year-old man with medical history significant for hypertension and hyperlipidaemia was found on screening colonoscopy to have a large, polypoid adenomatous polyp of the distal descending colon not amenable to colonoscopic resection. He underwent a robotic sigmoid colon resection with primary anastomosis. Postoperatively the patient developed persistent abdominal distention, nausea and had no passage of flatus or bowel movements after 7 days which was initially attributed to ileus. Cross-sectional CT revealed a closed-loop small bowel obstruction secondary to an incarcerated hernia at the right lateral 8 mm robotic trocar site with surrounding subcutaneous emphysema (figure 1). On physical examination, there was no palpable bulge or overlying erythema along the previous incision. The patient was brought …
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gastrointestinal surgery,general surgery,radiology
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