Correlation Between the Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale (TERS) and Medical Outcomes in Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Retrospective Analysis.

G Dieplinger, N Mokhaberi,R Wahba,S Peltzer,D Buchner, H A Schlösser, V Ditt, A von Borstel, U Bauerfeind, U Lange,W Arns,C Kurschat, D L Stippel,F Vitinius

Transplantation Proceedings(2018)

Cited 7|Views7
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•This study examines the correlation of Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale (TERS) scores and medical outcomes in living-donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) recipients.•TERS did not predict change in estimated glomerular filtration rate or occurrence of acute rejection at 1 year posttransplant.•LDKT recipients positive for de novo donor-specific HLA antibodies did not have higher TERS scores pretransplant.
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