Assessing the radiological load on the environment in the middle Danube river basin on the basis of a study of the Kopački Rit Nature Park, Croatia

Radiation and environmental biophysics(2018)

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A study of the environmental radioactivity in the Kopački Rit Nature Park, Croatia, is presented. This wildlife reserve is part of the Middle Danube River Basin, and it is exposed to various pollutants due to a number of human activities in the surroundings, where there is a nuclear power plant and also urban centres and areas of intense agricultural production. Results for the activity concentrations of soil and surface water samples do not indicate any elevated radioactivity level, which is confirmed by on-site measurements of ambient dose rate equivalent. An assessment of the radiological load on the local biota, carried out using the ERICA tool, implies an overall low radiological risk even if conservative values of the risk quotient are used. Therefore, human activities do not have a significant effect on the radiological load on the Kopački Rit area. A similar conclusion might be made with regard to numerous similar environments in the Middle Danube River Basin.
Danube River Basin,Gamma-ray spectrometry,non-human biota,risk assessment,Radioactivity
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