Rotational Resonance For A Heteronuclear Spin Pair Under Magic-Angle Spinning In Solid-State Nmr


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Rotational resonance (R2) is one of the widely applied techniques in solid-state NMR for recoupling a homonuclear dipolar interaction under magic-angle spinning (MAS). R2 occurs as the result of interference between the difference of the chemical shifts and MAS. In this work, we extend R2 to a heteronuclear dipolar interaction in the interaction frame of RF irradiation. Based on the average Hamiltonian theory, we show that the recoupling of the heteronuclear dipolar (I-S) interaction occurs at the recoupling conditions written as Omega(I)' +/- Omega(S)' = k omega(r) (k = 0, +/-1, +/-2), where Omega(X)' is the RF offset for spin-X (X = I or S) scaled by RF irradiation. The new recoupling sequence for a heteronuclear spin pair is referred to as offset-driven cross polarization along the z axis (OD-CPZ). With the robustness for RF inhomogeneity and ten recoupling conditions to choose, OD-CPZ can be a useful frequency-selective cross polarization method. Experiments and numerical simulations are shown with the results of the theoretical analysis. Published by AIP Publishing.
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Key words
heteronuclear spin pair,rotational resonance,nmr,magic-angle,solid-state
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