Distribution and co-localization of diversified natriuretic peptides in the eel heart

Cell and tissue research(2018)

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Atrial and B-type natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP) are cardiac hormones important for cardiovascular and body fluid regulation. In some teleost species, an additional member of the natriuretic peptide family, ventricular NP (VNP), has been identified. In this study, we examine tissue distribution of these three NPs in the eel heart. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that anp is almost exclusively expressed in atria, bnp equally in atria and ventricles and vnp three-fold more in ventricles than in atria. The amount of bnp transcript overall in the heart was 1/10 those of anp and vnp . There was no difference in transcript levels between freshwater and seawater-acclimated fishes. Immunohistochemistry using specific antisera and in situ hybridization using gene-specific probes showed that NP signals were detected in most atrial and ventricular myocytes with some regional differences in density. Because of high sequence similarity of the three NPs, each of the three NP antisera individually was pre-incubated with 10 −8 M of the other two non-targeted cardiac NPs to increase the specificity. A few atrial myocytes contained all three NPs in the same cell. Immuno-electron microscopy identified many dense-core vesicles containing ANP in atria and VNP in ventricles and some vesicles contained both ANP and VNP as demonstrated using pre-absorbed antisera. Based on these data and those of previous studies, we suggest that in eels ANP is secreted from atria in a regulatory pathway and VNP from ventricles in a constitutive pathway. In addition, VNP, not BNP, is the principal ventricular hormone in eels.
Anguilla japonica,Atrial natriuretic peptide,B-type natriuretic peptide,Cardiac distribution,Eel,Ventricular natriuretic peptide
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