Evaluation of the ureteral jet in dogs by using color Doppler ultrasonography.


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Ureteral jets are the result of a forceful ejection of urine from the vesicoureteral junction into the urinary bladder. By using color Doppler ultrasonography (US), we aimed to identify distinct ureteral jets in dogs, provide insight into ureteral obstruction, and facilitate study of urodynamics and vesicoureteric sphincter function via pulsed Doppler US. Color Doppler US was applied to detect urinary flow from the right ureteral orifices in eight healthy beagles. Under anesthesia, 0.9% saline (2.5 mL/kg/h) and furosemide (0.5 mg/kg) were administered intravenously to assist in detection of distinct ureteral jets and examine their frequency, velocity, duration, and waveform. In all dogs, ureteral jets were visualized under diuresis and anesthesia within 2 to 5 min (mean 3.57 +/- 0.90 min) of the furosemide injection. Mean frequency, peak velocity, and duration of right ureteral jets in seven dogs in whom six ureteral jet waveform patterns were identified were 9.86 +/- 3.09 jets/min, 34.07 +/- 10.02 cm/sec, and 2.82 +/- 1.08 sec, respectively. During the 10 min period starting 10 min after the initial jet appeared, only three waveforms were identified. Color Doppler US of ureteral jets may aid in assessing vesicoureteric sphincter function and ureteral abnormalities, such as ureteral obstruction, in dogs.
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Doppler ultrasonography,dogs,ureteral jet,ureteral obstruction
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