Significance of Notch and Wnt signaling for chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells HCT116.


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5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin (OxaPt) are the main chemotherapeutics for colorectal cancer (CRC). Chemotherapy response rates for advanced CRC remain low, primarily due to intrinsic or acquired chemoresistance. The importance of Notch and Wnt signaling for carcinogenesis of CRC as well as crosstalk of Notch and Wnt signaling with many oncogenic signaling pathways suggest that Notch and Wnt pathways could be responsible for chemoresistance. In this study, we compared changes in Notch and Wnt signaling after 5-FU and OxaPt treatment in CRC cells HCT116 and its chemoresistant sublines HCT116/FU and HCT116/OXA. The levels of Notch1 receptor intracellular domain NICD1 and non-phosphorylated -catenin, the reporters of Notch and Wnt signaling, were upregulated in untreated chemoresistant HCT116/FU and HCT116/OXA cells. Our data suggest that Notch inhibitor RO4929097 (RO) and Wnt inhibitor XAV939 (XAV) enhance the survival potential of OxaPt-treated cells. The protein level of Notch target gene HES1 was significantly upregulated in chemoresistant HCT116/FU and HCT116/OXA cells, compared to HCT116. HES1 silencing increased viability of HCT116 and its chemoresistant sublines after 5-FU or OxaPt treatment. The results of HES1 downregulation coincide with RO and XAV effects on cell viability of OxaPt-treated cells.
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chemoresistance,colorectal cancer,HES1,Notch,Wnt
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