[Pseudo-tumoral invasive fungus infection of the maxillary sinus in Abidjan].

A K Tanon,C Assouan, E Anzouan-Kacou, D N'guessan, A Salami,S Boni, E Konan

Journal de mycologie medicale(2017)

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INTRODUCTION:The invasive fungal infection of the maxillary sinus is a rare and serious disease generally favored by immunosuppression. We report an exceptional case of pseudotumoral invasive fungal infection of the maxillary sinus in an immunocompetent patient. OBSERVATION:A 32-year-old patient consulted for labial and left temporal swelling associated with proptosis and chemosis that has been developing for 18 months. The scanner objectified a filling of the left maxillary sinus, and the ipsilateral orbital cavity, and the surrounding muscles. Histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed invasive fungal infection of the left maxillary sinus. The relevant antifungal therapy, namely voriconazole, could not be administered due to the unavailability of the medicine. However, the patient has received 200mg of itraconazole every 12hours for three weeks. The change proved disappointing with recurrence and significant sequelae, sort of sagging of the right hemifacial, severe limitation of mouth opening and functional loss of the right eye. CONCLUSION:The invasive fungus infections of the maxillary sinus and the orbit are exceptional in immunocompetent patient. Healing is based on early diagnosis and administration of the reference antifungal to face the risk of recurrence.
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