
Giantin is required for coordinated production of aggrecan, link protein and type XI collagen during chondrogenesis.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications(2018)

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Extracellular matrix (ECM) constitutes a proper micro-environment for cell proliferation, migration and differentiation, as well as playing pivotal roles in developmental processes including endochondral ossification. Cartilage ECM is mainly composed of fibrous proteins, including collagen, proteoglycan, and hyaluronan. Because almost all ECM components are transported by intracellular vesicular transport systems, molecules that mediate vesicle transport are also important for endochondral ossification. Giantin, encoded by the Golgb1 gene, is a tethering factor for coatomer 1 (COPI) vesicles and functions in the cis-medial Golgi compartments. An insertion mutation in the Golgb1 gene, resulting in a lack of giantin protein expression, has been detected in ocd/ocd rats that exhibit a pleiotropic phenotype including osteochondrodysplasia. To reveal the function of giantin in chondrogenesis, the present study assessed the effects of loss of giantin expression on cartilage ECM and Golgi morphology. Giantin was expressed in normal, but not in ocd/ocd, chondrocytes in the epiphyseal areas of embryonic femurs, whereas GM130 was expressed in both normal and ocd/ocd chondrocytes. The staining intensities of safranin O and azan (aniline blue) were reduced and enhanced, respectively, in epiphyseal cartilage of ocd/ocd femurs. Immunostaining showed that levels of type II collagen and fibronectin were comparable in normal and ocd/ocd cartilage. Levels of type XI collagen were higher, while levels of aggrecan, link protein and hyaluronan were lower, in ocd/ocd than in normal cartilage, although semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed similar levels of type XI collagen, aggrecan and link protein mRNAs in normal and ocd/ocd cartilage. Isolated chondrocytes of ocd/ocd and normal rats showed similar immunostaining patterns for cis-, medial-, and trans-Golgi marker proteins, whereas monolayers of ocd/ocd chondrocytes showed reduced levels of aggrecan and link protein and increased level of type XI collagen in spite of similar transcripts levels. These findings suggest that giantin plays a pivotal role in coordinated production of aggrecan, link protein and type XI collagen in chondrocytes, and that loss of giantin causes osteochondrodysplasia with disturbance of these ECM components.
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