Middle turbinate primary mucocele in a child masquerading as a nasal tumour.

Ph Eloy, G Heylen, J Minavnina, N Ouattassi


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Middle turbinate primary mucocele in a child masquerading as a nasal tumour. Introduction: Nasal obstruction in children is a very common complaint in daily ENT consultations. The common cold, rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis, hypertrophy and inflammation of the adenoid pad are very common causes of nasal obstruction, but there are numerous other causes for which the clinician must be aware. Methodology: The authors report a very unusual case of a primary mucocele of the middle turbinate of a 7-year-old girl masquerading as a nasal tumour. Results: The mucocele was successfully marsupialized surgically using an endonasal endoscopic approach. The authors report the case, imaging, and review the pertinent literature. Conclusion: Clinicians must be aware of less common aetiologies of nasal obstruction in order to orientate the diagnostic work-up and to propose adequate management.
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Key words
Child,primary mucocele,middle turbinate,imaging,endoscopic surgery
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