Intrahippocampal injection of Cortistatin-14 impairs recognition memory consolidation in mice through activation of sst, ghrelin and GABA receptors.

Brain Research(2017)

Cited 11|Views13
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•Central CST-14 resulted in impairment of long-/short-term recognition memory.•CST-14 do not impair long/short-term reconsolidation recognition memory.•These effects of CST-14 are involved in sst2, but not sst3 system.•The ghrelin system are involved in the memory-impairing actions of CST-14.•These actions of CST-14 are reversed by GABAA and GABAB receptor antagonisms.
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Cortistatin-14,Memory impairment,Hippocampus,SST receptors,Ghrelin receptor,GABAA/B receptors
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