[Pediatric acute liver failure. Working group of the Latinamerican Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (LASPGHAN).]

Mirta Ciocca, Alejandro Costagdta,Miriam Cuarterolo, Laura Delgado, Lidia Garcete,Marcela Godoy, Carmen Esther López, Carola López,Margarita Ramonet

Acta gastroenterologica Latinoamericana(2016)

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Pediatric acute liver failure is a syndrome ofsevere and sudden dysfunction of the hepatocytes which produces a failure in synthetic and detoxifyingfunction. It is an infrequent and severe disease butpotentiallyfatal, occurring in children with no prior history of liver disease. Etiology is related to the age and geographic region of the patient, recognizing the origin: metabolic, infectious, drug exposure, autoinmune, vascular and oncologic. Indeterminate cause where all the etiological search is negative, can range between 18 and 47%, depending on the center and access to the realization of etiological studies. The process which determines the liver injury is still not well known and is considered multifactorial. Essentially, it depends on host susceptibility, the cause and severity of the damage and the ability of liver regeneration. The clinical presentation depends on the etiology, which usually begins with an episode ofacute hepatitis, that in the following days or weeks presents unfavorable outcome, deepening jaundice, affecting the general state and presenting severe coagulopathy that characterizes the syndrome. The treatment consists of general measures which take into account the metabolic disorders, nutritional aspect, and the prevention and treatment of all complications that occur in the evolutionary course (infectious, neurological, etc). Besides it is also vital to implement the specific treatment of those diseases which can benefit from it (alloimmune hepatitis, galactosemia, tyrosinemia, herpes simplex infection, Wilson's disease, etc.). However, despite therapeutic advances, acute liver failure results in death or liver transplantation in over 45% ofcases.
pediatric acute liver failure,pediatric gastroenterology,hepatology
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