[Porphyria cutanea tarda as extrahepatic manifestation of chronic hepatitis C: a case report].

Jorge Espinoza-Ríos,Vanessa Valenzuela Granados, Manuel Ojeda Cisneros, Aldo Gálvez Canseco, Cesar Ramos Aguilar, Brunella Raymundo Villalva,Victor Aguilar Sánchez,José Pinto Valdivia,Jorge Huerta-Mercado Tenorio,Alejandro Bussalleu Rivera

Revista de gastroenterologia del Peru : organo oficial de la Sociedad de Gastroenterologia del Peru(2017)

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The present case is a 56 year old male who present hyperpigmented and hypopigmented scars in both hands, associated with the presence of milia cysts. It was studied the metabolism of porphyrins and skin biopsy of the lesions which were compatible with porphyria cutanea tarda. In the initial laboratory, elevated transaminases values were found and subsequently identified chronic infection of hepatitis C virus. In order to treat viral infection and resolve the dermal commitment; considered extrahepatic manifestation of hepatitis C virus, treatment was started with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, with favorably development and rapid viral response, with undetectable viral load until now (24 weeks of treatment), decreased level of serum transaminases and improvement of skin lesions.
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