Cytosine modifications exhibit circadian oscillations that are involved in epigenetic diversity and aging


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Circadian rhythmicity governs a remarkable array of fundamental biological functions and is mediated by cyclical transcriptomic and proteomic activities. Epigenetic factors are also involved in this circadian machinery; however, despite extensive efforts, detection and characterization of circadian cytosine modifications at the nucleotide level have remained elusive. In this study, we report that a large proportion of epigenetically variable cytosines show a circadian pattern in their modification status in mice. Importantly, the cytosines with circadian epigenetic oscillations significantly overlap with the cytosines exhibiting age-related changes in their modification status. Our findings suggest that evolutionary advantageous processes such as circadian rhythmicity can also contribute to an organism’s deterioration.
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Ageing,Circadian rhythms,DNA methylation,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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