Optimizing endothelial cell functionalization for cell therapy of vascular proliferative disease using a direct contact co-culture system

Drug delivery and translational research(2017)

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Increased susceptibility to thrombosis, neoatherosclerosis, and restenosis due to incomplete regrowth of the protective endothelial layer remains a critical limitation of the interventional strategies currently used clinically to relieve atherosclerotic obstruction. Rapid recovery of endothelium holds promise for both preventing the thrombotic events and reducing post-angioplasty restenosis, providing the rationale for developing cell delivery strategies for accelerating arterial reendothelialization. The successful translation of experimental cell therapies into clinically viable treatment modalities for restoring vascular endothelium critically depends on identifying strategies for enhancing the functionality of endothelial cells (EC) derived from high cardiovascular risk patients, the target group for the majority of angioplasty procedures. Enhancing EC-associated nitric oxide (NO) synthesis by inducing overexpression of NO synthase (NOS) has shown promise as a way of increasing paracrine activity and restoring function of EC. In the present study, we developed a direct contact co-culture approach compatible with highly labile effectors, such as NO, and applied it for determining the effect of EC functionalization via NOS gene transfer on the growth of co-cultured arterial smooth muscle cells (A10 cell line) exhibiting the defining characteristics of neointimal cells. Bovine aortic endothelial cells magnetically transduced with inducible NOS-encoding adenovirus (Ad) formulated in zinc oleate-based magnetic nanoparticles (MNP[ iNOS Ad]) strongly suppressed growth of proliferating A10 and attenuated the stimulatory effect of a potent mitogen, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB), whereas EC functionalization with free iNOS Ad or MNP formulated with a different isoform of the enzyme, endothelial NOS, was associated with lower levels of NO synthesis and less pronounced antiproliferative activity toward co-cultured A10 cells. These results show feasibility of applying magnetically facilitated gene transfer to potentiate therapeutically relevant effects of EC for targeted cell therapy of restenosis. The direct contact co-culture methodology provides a sensitive and reliable tool with potential utility for a variety of biomedical applications.
Direct contact co-culture system,Endothelial cell,Magnetic nanoparticle,Nitric oxide,Smooth muscle cell,Stent angioplasty
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