A protocol for sustained reduction of Total Parenteral Nutrition and cost savings by improvement of nutritional care in hospitals.

Rian van Schaik, Kurt Van den Abeele, Glenn Melsens, Peter Schepens, Truus Lanssens, Bernadette Vlaemynck, Maria Devisch,Theo A Niewold

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN(2016)

Cited 4|Views5
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•TPN according to guidelines improved quality of care and reduced use by 53%.•Follow up of TPN patients by dietitians reduced costs by 51%.•Instruction tools to start TPN/EN improved care and address refeeding risk.•Ongoing monitoring to sustain improved nutritional care of TPN patients is necessary.
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Key words
Parenteral nutrition,TPN,Cost saving,Hospital,Dietitian,Malnutrition
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