Fast non-interferometric iterative phase retrieval for holographic data storage.


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Fast non-interferometric phase retrieval is a very important technique for phase-encoded holographic data storage and other phase based applications due to its advantage of easy implementation, simple system setup, and robust noise tolerance. Here we present an iterative non-interferometric phase retrieval for 4-level phase encoded holographic data storage based on an iterative Fourier transform algorithm and known portion of the encoded data, which increases the storage code rate to two-times that of an amplitude based method. Only a single image at the Fourier plane of the beam is captured for the iterative reconstruction. Since beam intensity at the Fourier plane of the reconstructed beam is more concentrated than the reconstructed beam itself, the requirement of diffractive efficiency of the recording media is reduced, which will improve the dynamic range of recording media significantly. The phase retrieval only requires 10 iterations to achieve a less than 5% phase data error rate, which is successfully demonstrated by recording and reconstructing a test image data experimentally. We believe our method will further advance the holographic data storage technique in the era of big data. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
holographic data storage,phase,retrieval,non-interferometric
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