Benchmarking pre-spawning fitness, climate preferendum of some catfishes from river Ganga and its proposed utility in climate research

Environmental monitoring and assessment(2017)

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The concept of threshold condition factor (Fulton), beyond which more than 50% of the female fish population may attain readiness for spawning coined as pre-spawning fitness ( K spawn50 ), has been proposed in the present article and has been estimated by applying the non-parametric Kaplan-Meier method for fitting survival function. A binary coding strategy of gonadal maturity stages was used to classify whether a female fish is “ready to spawn” or not. The proposed K spawn50 has been generated for female Mystus tengara (1.13–1.21 units), M. cavasius (0.846–0.945 units), and Eutropiichthys vacha (0.716–0.799 units). Information on the range of egg parameters (fecundity, egg weight, egg diameter) expected at the pre-spawning stage was also generated. Additional information on species-specific thermal and precipitation window (climate preferendum) within which K spawn50 is attained was also generated through the LOESS smoothing technique. Water temperatures between 31 and 36 °C ( M. tengara ), 30 and 32 °C ( M. cavasius ), and 29.5 and 31 °C ( E. vacha ) and monthly rainfall between 200 and 325 mm ( M. tengara ), > 250 mm ( M. cavasius ), and around 50 mm and between 350 and 850 mm ( E. vacha ) were found to be optimum for attainment of K spawn50 . The importance of parameterization and benchmarking of K spawn50 in addition to other conventional reproductive biology parameters has been discussed in the present article. The purposes of the present study were fulfilled by generating baseline information and similar information may be generated for other species replicating the innovative methodology used in this study.
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Key words
Climate change,Eutropiichthys vacha,Fulton’s condition factor,Kaplan-Meier survival fit,LOESS fit,Mystus cavasius,Mystus tengara
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