Benefit of social media on patient engagement and satisfaction: Results of a 9-month, qualitative pilot study using Facebook.

Vikrom K Dhar,Young Kim, Justin T Graff,Andrew D Jung, Jennifer Garrett, Lauren E Dick, Jenifer Harris,Shimul A Shah


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Background. Despite the potential benefits of social media, health care providers are often hesitant to engage patients through these sites. Our aim was to explore how implementation of social media may affect patient engagement and satisfaction. Methods. In September 2016 a Facebook support group was created for liver transplant patients to use as a virtual community forum. Data including user demographics and group activity were reviewed. A survey was conducted evaluating users' perceptions regarding participation in the group. Results. Over 9 months, 350 unique users (50% liver transplant patients, 36% caregivers/friends, 14% health care providers) contributed 339 posts, 2,338 comments, and 6,274 reactions to the group; 98% of posts were reacted to or commented on by other group members. Patients were the most active users compared with health care providers and caregivers. A total of 95% of survey respondents reported that joining the group had a positive impact on their care; and 97% reported that their main motivation for joining was to provide or receive support from other patients. Conclusion. This pilot study indicates that the integration of social media into clinical practice can empower surgeons to synthesize effectively a patient support community that augments patient engagement and satisfaction. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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patient engagement,facebook,social media,qualitative pilot study
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