The Handoff Mechanism Based On Mobile Location Prediction

Yu-xiang Wang,Qi Wang, Zhi-feng Zhou


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The handoff mechanism is a key technology to support the user seamless mobile application services in wireless communication system, which has a great impact on users' services experiences and application. This paper presents the handoff mechanism based on mobile location prediction, using the modified Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory together with a variety of context information is adopted to predict the location of mobile users. The method proposed in this paper can effectively avoid the "ping-pong" handoff, shorten the handoff delay, and reserve the resources in advance. It can provide fast, accurate and reliable basis for decisions, thus significantly improve the QoS of network. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that location prediction is closer to the real trajectory of the user. Also, the RMSE of position is smaller, which indicates the success rate of handoff has been greatly improved.
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Handoff mechanism, Context, Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory, GIS (Geographic Information System), Hausdorff distance
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