Key-Value Pairs Allocation Strategy for Kinetic Drives

2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService)(2018)

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The explosion in the amount of data with the development of internet and cloud computing prompted much research to develop systems to store and process this data efficiently. Therefore, NoSQL Databases emerged as a solution to be considered due to their flexibility and high performance. key-value object storage, one of the NoSQL Databases categories, is widely used in many Big Data applications, where it treats the object as a single opaque collection identified by a key. This collection may have different fields for each record. Recently, Seagate developed a new drive called "Kinetic drive". The kinetic drive is an independent active disk accessible by an Ethernet which enables the applications to directly connect to the drive via IP address without the need to pass through multiple legacy layers using the storage servers. It can also carry out key-value pair operations on its own. So in large scale data management, a set of kinetic drives can be used to exploit parallelism in satisfying user requests and solve the bottleneck caused by queuing of requests in the storage server which manages multiple HDDs/SDDs. On the other hand, Kinetic drive has a limited bandwidth and size. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a key-value pairs allocation algorithm for kinetic drives which takes into consideration the data popularity, limited size and bandwidth of kinetic drive to avoid queuing on the level of the drive, We also carry out performance evaluation that shows the performance of our approach in allocating the data in a near-optimal number of drives and minimizes the drives' index table.
Storage Management,Kinetic Drives,Data Allocation,Key Value Store
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